Major Seventh Sample Library
Eunoia Volume 1
Eunoia Volume 1 contains 10 original compositions across a range of styles offering memorable chord progressions and a variety of sonic textures. The pack was created using mostly live instruments (Mellotron Micro, Roland RP102, Yamaha Reface CP, Ukulele, Guitar) worked into rich, vintage sounding pieces with layers of keys, vocals, strings and more. Each composition offers multiple sections giving the producer a selection of sampling options to chop, sample or drop straight in to your DAW.
PACK CONTENTS: 10 x Compositions / 10 x Compositions with Stems
About Lyric on the Beat:
Lyric On The Beat is a UK based producer and musician primarily focused on creating samples. LOTB is the driving force behind Major Seventh Sample Library, for whom he has created an extensive collection of sample packs. His production discography includes work with Joey Cool (Strange Music) alongside Kato On The Track.
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